



As you may know, Eid Mubarak is a very auspicious time. It is usually celebrated to mark the end of Ramadan and the start of Shawwal.

We are happy to say that this is going to be a historic Eid this year again, in our life.

Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Raheem Alam Ju main kia hai mein bhoolai…

Bad-E-Ajam se yeh Socha Quds e millat parde ko kaam samajha rahee hai…

Manaaee deen se saungha uthne ge naara – "ya jizayya…"

Nadeemmalakum Maasih Allah Laa Ilaaha Ellaaa hu Eient e sa

Eid Mubarak is a blessed day 

where Muslims around the world are stepping out in celebration. On this special day, they say Eid Mubarak to each other and celebrate the occasion by exchanging gifts and appreciating the beauty of the Muslim attire. The benefit of celebrating this festival on the date of sam Fajr (which is 16 days from dawn) enables all working Muslims at better workplaces to enjoy time off with their friends and families for just one day. Treating everyone we meet with warm wishes makes rejoicing even more memorable than on any other day.

As Eid is near, you too may want to cherish the good moments of Islam and spread the message of love, peace, happiness, and well-being.

Example introduction:

Since finally arriving in Saudi Arabia our family has had a hectic few months. I feel like we have gone from being general assignment journalists to becoming experts on Saudi culture and Islam.

Eid Mubarak is the day that Muslims celebrate their holiday. Eid is usually celebrated by greeting each other and family. During Eid, Muslims will recite "Eid Mubarak whether it's your last or a first"

Hussain & Masroor Ali are two famous Pakistani singers who sing eid Mubarak songs. One of the songs is a mother's letter to her son for his first Eid

Musicians mostly use nasheed or canon in their eid Mubarak song

Impressive Eid Mubarak messages are all around us, personalized songs and nasheed.

The ritual prayer of eid is dawn a day before the first day of Miraj hijrah every year. There is also a verse of surah Al-e- Imran, which says that one day equals 1500 years during the time in which the Prophet will not come back to Earth.

Celebrating each other is the essence of being Muslim. The festival lasts for three days in most cases and has two major traditions; exchanging pleasant greetings (Eid Mubarak) and giving gifts to the children “Eidi”

Longing can be felt in each bit while listening or watching these songs or watching Eid Mubarak reoccur visits on TV channels with their messages from celebrities wishing happy and blessed Eid

Celebrating the Muslim holiday with a blessing in Pakistani style

Every year Eid Mubarak, marking the end of Ramadan, triggers high-spirited celebrations among family and friends. This special day also offers people across Pakistan an opportunity to learn more about someone they may not have known before. For example, you may discover that your colleague is truly a Salafi Ahle Hadith when you hear them sing an Eid Mubarak nasheed. Here’s to wishing everyone an Eid Mubarak on this day of blessings and peace!

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